Ambassador Toolbox

Thanks for getting to this point! You are already making it!

Here you will find everything you need to approach Impact Centers and spread the word, if there is some information that is not here that you would find helpful, please write to or to your Ambassador manager.

How to become friends with Impact Centers and Onboard them

Marketing and sales may be an unknowing territory for many free spirits. But the truth is that if we want NuMundo and any other of our dear projects to flourish, we must jump onto the train and find the most effective way to communicate our message to the world. This document will give you a broad picture of how marketing and sales can become your allies in achieving your vision.

You can check the guide and interest tips for your call - visit here(1)

Ambassador’s tool-box:

This section contains everything you need to start getting in touch with Impact Centers that inspire you. Here you’ll find:

  • Social Media sharing guide

  • Reach out email template

  • Phone call script

  • Visiting protocol

  • Interview guideline

  • Booking system details

  • Profile creation and listing guideline for center managers (DIY)

  • Feedback forms (customer feedback form - Onboarding call feedback form)

Social Media Sharing Guide - Spreading the word

^ This material will be updated soon ^

Reaching out (Email template)

Here is an initial email template you can use to contact centers you are interested in visiting, and think would be a good fit for the network. It’s a good place to start, and we really encourage you to put your own spin on this, so your personality shines through.

Most importantly: personalize your email to the center!

Nothing sends an email to the “Trash” folder as quick as a copied and pasted, one-size-fits-all sales email.

Show the center that you’ve researched their offerings, you know the names of their staff, the dates of their upcoming events and the work they are doing in the world. And are not a salesperson, you are offering a free service to help centers grow!

That’s a pretty cool gift to give, so rock out, be confident and go visit some amazing places!

Check our Center Outreach- Initial Email template ( EN-ES- PT) (4)

Onboarding call (scripts)

This is an example phone call(EN- ES) (5) with a center who you think is a good fit for the site, and you’d like to go visit. This script is a framework that includes all the points we want to convey to the center- feel free to add your own flair and personality to it!

Going to visit centers is one of the most fun & meaningful things you can do in your role as an ambassador, so THANK YOU! Get out there, see some inspiring places, make connections and learn- that’s what it’s all about!

Visit protocol

This protocol is to be used as a preparatory guide and checklist for ambassador visits to Impact Centers. In order to get the most out of each site visit to an impact center, an ambassador should utilize this document. This document is a part of the Ambassador training and Onboarding program, and is expected to evolve.

Before arriving:


  • Sit down with a founder/manager and conduct an impact center interview(7)

  • Sit down with a founder/manager and create or improve their impact center profile on

  • Take quality photos of Impact Center(some ambassadors have a professional camera - DSLR, etc. and these photos are even more valuable. However iPhone photos will also be useful!)

  • Make a social media post at the Impact Center (communicate with to get it circulated on NuMundo social media)

  • Speak with on-site guests and volunteers as much as possible and tell them about NuMundo - if possible, arrange a 10-20 minute presentation to a group on-site in a community space

  • Drop off NuMundo flyers/stickers at impact center


  • Optional:Write a blog article about the visit to the center and include photos

  • Follow up with your Impact Center 1 week after visit to ask if they are enjoying using the site, and to let them know you are available for any questions. (For questions you cannot answer, feel free to direct them to

Interview guideline

While you are at an Impact Center, organize to sit down and have a formal chat with the owner, manager, or person who deals with online management (website, social media, bookings). Be sure that the person who deals with volunteer positions, events management and/or booking overnight stays is also present. This interview can also be done by phone.

Conducting this interview is crucial when visiting or talking on the phone, it help us to acknowledge the center’s problems, their interactions, needs and feedback about the NuMundo platform, and to develop relationships and trust with our customers. Identifying pain points and needs are the highest priority in this meeting.

Take notes on your conversation, as they will be used the create their profile. You can send us insights and feedbacks and the status of your Onboarding process.

If there is time, this is also the moment when you will set up their center profile, and add any stays (retreats, workshops, volunteer positions, etc) that the center has. You will walk the manager through the process of creating their profile or give the guidelines for them to create their profile (see below “Profile creation and listing guideline for center managers, DIY).

Booking System Details

From the results of your interview and your research on the center, you should have a good idea of what “Stays” the center has to upload to their profile. Below is an overview of our booking system . Please familiarize yourself with how it works so you can answer any center questions

!Uploading bookings is an essential part of making our platform useful to travelers, turning dreams to actuality and allowing transformational experiences to happen

to check the booking system details, fee and payment options available





Profile creation and listing guideline for center managers (DIY)

You can go through these guidelines to prepare the information that you need to create a center profile and list of experiences, you can also share a pdf with the center:

Spanish version

English version


Feedback & Surveys

Have you found processes, features or bugs that can be improve?

You can report them directly to the team and also fill this feedback surveys:

Need more assistance, want to give feedback, inspirations or love? Contact

THANK YOU! We’re infinitely grateful for being part of this journey!

Last updated