Work with Us

Work with Us

Português | Español

NuMundo has been built by a mostly volunteer team of developers, designers, project managers and copywriters. We aspire to be a responsive organization, by valuing purpose over profit, networks over hierarchies, empowering over controlling, experimentation over planning, and transparency over privacy. We are creating this project because our hearts are in it, and at the same time we are working towards making it financially sustainable.

We are always looking for people who believe in our mission to support this project with their time, energy, and expertise.


We use a Dynamic Equity system to honor ourselves for our time, so everyone who has worked with us for at least a year owns a little bit of the company. We are sometimes able to offer small stipends for certain kinds of work. Perks of working with us can include tickets to festivals and conferences (such as Bioneers, Envision, and the North American Permaculture Convergence), team retreats at gorgeous impact centers like Finca Morpho in Costa Rica, and earning our very own cryptocurrency NuCoin, which can be used to stay at impact centers in our Costa Rican network, and to hire us as consultants, designers, developers, or marketers for your project!

Interested to learn more? Read about how our global team functions and check out our current Open Positions.

Last updated