Add a discount code
Discounts codes are a great way to offer exclusive lower rates for your stays on either your Center or Experience profiles. You may want to use these special codes for seasonal discounts, volunteer discounts, or other promotions.
To create a discount code:
Click on the dropdown menu by your name on the top right corner of the site, and navigate to "Discount Codes".
Click "New discount code".
Give your code a name.
You may choose a discount code percentage or a fixed discount amount. NOTE: you may not offer 100% discounts at this time.
You may choose a period of time for which the discount code is valid, or "no expiry date".
You may also choose a useage limit, so the code can only be applied a certain number of times.
Apply the code to at least one center or experience profile, and then to at least one stay. If you apply the code to multiple centers or experiences, one code will be created per center or experience. NOTE: You can make multiple codes for the same stay, and market those codes to different customers.
The end customer may only apply one discount code per stay, not multiple.
Save your discount code and start sharing it with your customers!
To delete a code, you may do so at anytime from the main Discount Code page, and customers will no longer be able to use that code.
Note: if you decide to duplicate
Last updated